I agree that the writing on this show is of poor quality and it's such a wasted opportunity.  Cassie's enigmatic smile is maddening. I too noticed the differences in her clothes and in the shop.  And Grey House is a boring home now, instead of a mysterious B&B.  The garden, which was beautiful, magical, and a bit threatening, by turns, is just a dull yard now. Season 1 recycled several plotlines from the movies, but season 2 is just convoluted, confusing, and disappointing.  The writers will introduce a potentially interesting conflict, then merely let it peter out.  The storylines they did pick up and continue throughout this season (Who will Cassie choose? Will Tara have a baby or drive Brandon away?) were simply awful.  

I too miss the magic!! It's as if some religious group threatened the Hallmark Channel.  "No sorcery.  Sorcery is banned in the Bible! We will boycott all your sponsors!"  Gahhhh!!!!   Why have a show about a witch if there is no mystery?

In the very first part of the season with the man in the scarf, it's as if that story was the product of bad editing.  Something seemed to be missing. Martha's ne'er-do-well son could have been a great addition to the running plot, but that petered out. I love Martha though, and her husband. And, where is Grace's friend who seemed to be set up as a rival for the doctor's son?  He just seemed to disappear, like Gail, George's wife. Honestly, the stupid country house plotline was useless.  We thought we'd get a glimmer of magic there, when Cassie found the location, but she brushes it off as just being lucky, and we believe her because they've made her completely pedestrian.  I also agree with the poster above who said that she and Grace never seem to interact, other than that stupid dinner with Sam and his son.  Oh, and what happened to Lori? And Cassie's ability to communicate with animals?  One thing I did like this season is the continuity when Martha said "I accept your challenge" in a corny French accent, like she did last season when she signed up for the race after she thought Sam was goading her.

I miss how the music used to add to the mysterious ambiance of the movies.  Now it's just the same musical theme used over and over again for everything. 

I hope the move scheduled for October 22 can get this series back on track, but I don't hold out much hope.  I'll keep watching though, even if it doesn't, because I loved the movies so much. 

Edited October 10, 2016 by Cowgirl
Addition of a thought.
